About Fort Reuenthal

Museums, Cultural, Interesting Places, History Museums, Military Museums

Fort Reuenthal is a 20th-century Swiss fortification located in the Aargau canton near the Swiss border with Germany. Built between 1937 and 1939, the fort overlooks the Rhine where it bends around the town of Full-Reuenthal, and was intended to prevent a crossing of the Rhine at the hydroelectric plant at Dogern. It was a component of the Swiss Border Line of defenses. It is armed with two artillery blocks for 75mm guns and two machine gun blocks. The fort uses camouflage, with house-like superstructures over some positions. Deactivated as a military post in 1988, it is operated as a museum.

Source From: Wikipedia
Panoramaweg, Full-Reuenthal, Bezirk Zurzach, Aargau, Switzerland, 5324

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