About Monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza

Religion, Monasteries, Interesting Places

The Monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza is a former Benedictine monastery in Gradefes, in the province of León, central Spain.

Today in ruins, it was once the second most important monastery in the province, after the monastery of San Benito in Sahagún. It was founded in 912 by King García I of León, but was destroyed by the Moorish ruler Al-Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir in 988; it was therefore rebuilt in 1099 by the Urraca of Zamora, daughter of Ferdinand I of León and Castile. In 1109 she became queen of Galicia, León and Castile, and gave consistent donations to the monastery.

Source From: Wikipedia
LE-213, León, Castilla y León, España

Nearest places in Monastery of San Pedro de Eslonza