About Montgomery's Inn

Museums, Cultural, Interesting Places, Other Museums

Montgomery's Inn is a museum in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Built in 1830 as a Georgian-style inn, it was named for its innkeeper, Thomas Montgomery (1790-1877). The inn ceased operations in 1856 and continued as a private farm house that was rented to tenant farmers by the Montgomery family until 1946. It was later owned by a Presbyterian church, a developer, the Etobicoke Historical Society, and the Etobicoke Historical Board, until it was finally transferred to the City of Toronto. Once in danger of demolition, it is a cherished remnant of colonial times in Upper Canada. Though most of its current artefacts are not original to the building, they are period pieces, and a few belonged to the Montgomery family.

Source From: Wikipedia
4709, Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M9A 1A9

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