About Santa Cruz de Cangas de Onís

Megaliths, Religion, Historic, Churches, Archaeology, Burial Places, Dolmens, Interesting Places, Other Churches

Santa Cruz de Cangas de Onís is a small Roman Catholic chapel in Cangas de Onís, the first capital of the Kingdom of Asturias, in what is now northern Spain. It was founded on an artificial mound (a pagan dolmen) by Favila, second king of Asturias, and his queen, Froiliuba. It was begun in 737 and consecrated that same year on 27 October according to its original foundation stone, which has been called the first literary monument of the Reconquista.

Santa Cruz originally housed the Cruz de la Victoria, an oak cross supposedly carried by Pelagius, Favila's father, at the Battle of Covadonga. It was probably the first church constructed after the Islamic invasion of Spain in 711.

Source From: Wikipedia
Avenida de Contranquil, Cangas de Onís, Asturias / Asturies, Asturias / Asturies, España, 33550

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