About Xuân Thủy National Park

Gardens And Parks, Urban Environment, Cultural, Interesting Places, Natural, Nature Reserves, National Parks

Xuân Thủy National Park (Vietnamese: Vườn quốc gia Xuân Thủy ) is a national park in Hong River Biosphere Reserve in Nam Định Province, Vietnam. The national park was established according to the Decision number 01/2003/QĐ-TTg dated 2 January 2003 signed by premier Nguyễn Tấn Dũng, this decision turned Xuân Thủy Wetland Nature Reserve into Xuân Thủy National Park. The park was the first wetland area to be announced a Ramsar site in south-east Asia and is internationally significant as a migratory bird habitat.

Source From: Wikipedia
Giao Thủy, Tỉnh Nam Định, Việt Nam, 0350

Nearest places in Xuân Thủy National Park