Barcelona Hostels
Stay Somewhere Different. Try Barcelona Hostels Barcelona is a great place to kick back and relax and enjoy yourself. And if you’re going to take the time to spend the money on a fabulous trip such as this, why would you want to get stressed out picking some fancy shmancy hotel? If you want to […]
Backpacking Through Spain
Spain is a wonderful, passionate country and one of the best ways to see all its vibrant scenery and culture is to backpack. Backpacking basically means setting up your own, independent travel plans around the country, booking hotels, hostels and transport as you go along, which gives you an unique insight into the real daily […]
The hidden secrets of Costa Brava
On Costa Brava, there are a lot of resorts, and the best known is Lloret del Mar. If you want to know more about these magnificent places, read further. During the 50 s the former Spanish dictator Franco was looking for new sources of income. He had the brilliant idea to build some resorts on the Costa Brava (the […]