About Kokand

Historic, Historical Places, Interesting Places, Historic Settlements

Kokand (Uzbek: Qo‘qon, Қўқон, قوقان; Russian: Кока́нд; Persian: خوقند‎, romanized: Xuqand; Chagatai: خوقند, Xuqand; Tajik: Хӯқанд, romanized: Xökand) is a city in Fergana Region in eastern Uzbekistan, at the southwestern edge of the Fergana Valley. The population of Kokand on April 24, 2014 was approximately 187,477. The city lies 228 km (142 mi) southeast of Tashkent, 115 km (71 mi) west of Andijan, and 88 km (55 mi) west of Fergana. It is nicknamed "City of Winds", or sometimes "Town of the Boar". Kokand's name derives from the well-known tribal family group of "Kokan" who belong to the Kongrat tribe of Uzbeks.

Source From: Wikipedia
Abu Taib Ho'qandiy mavzesi, Turkiston ko'chasi, Quqon, Danghara Tumani, Farg'ona Viloyati, Uzbekistan, 150700

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