About Termez

Historical Places, Historic, Interesting Places, Historic Districts, Historic Settlements

Termez (Uzbek: Termiz/Термиз; Russian: Термез; Tajik: Тирмиз; Persian: ترمذTermez, Tirmiz; Arabic: ترمذTirmidh; Ancient Greek Tàrmita, Thàrmis, Θέρμις) is a city in the southernmost part of Uzbekistan near the Hairatan border crossing of Afghanistan. It is the hottest point of Uzbekistan. It has a population of 140,404 (1 January 2005), and is the capital of Surxondaryo Region.

Source From: Wikipedia
Termiz, Termiz tumani, Surxondaryo Viloyati, Uzbekistan, 190100

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