The symbols of the big cities
Every big city, needs and surely has a symbol. The megacities have even more symbols. How must be a symbol of a city? It has to be interesting, historically tight to the city, impressive, easy to describe and, above all, it must have a story! A symbol of a city can be a building, a […]
Travel advisory issued for Turkey due to terrorist threats
Early this week, a leader of the PKK or the Kurdistan Workers’ Party announced that the group is planning a series of violent attacks in Turkey after the ceasefire between them and the local government broke down. Only a year after the ceasefire was imposed, PKK commander Murat Karayilan said there was little choice for […]
Affinia Hotel Does its Magic Down the South Beach
Whatever happened to Royal Palm in the South Beach? For many years (since 2007 to be exact), the hotel has been off the limelight, there were actually suspicions that it was no longer operating. Today, it shows signs of rising from obscurity as Affinia Hotels promises to take over it in 2012. That’s certainly good […]
Airbus A380 Passenger Safety Tips
The Airbus A380 is surely one of the popular plane models coming from the airplane manufacturer titan Boeing. Because of the novelty and the hopeful promise of more legroom, more and more passengers want to get on flights where these birds will be the carriers. Because of this high demand, it will not be uncommon […]
End Resort by Grand Solmar Land opens in Cabo San Lucas
Grand Solmar Land recently opened the End Resort and Spa in Cabo San Lucas which is another haven for those craving to have a blast during their spring break. The new resort is designated as a luxury accommodation following the lines of the Mexican décor of the Old Wordl using stone and wrought iron accents […]
Bangkok luxury travel: Ritz-Carlton Residences
If you love luxury living, you know how it is like to fly off to a great holiday destination and stay in hotel suites, but it is another story if you are into buying into this lifestyle so you can stay there for a good few leaves of the the calendar. Today, there are a […]