About Itchan Kala

Fortifications, Historical Places, Historic, Museums, Archaeology, Cultural, Interesting Places, Castles, Other Museums, Other Archaeological Sites, Historic Settlements

Ichan Kala (Uzbek: Ichan-Qаl’а) is the walled inner town of the city of Khiva, Uzbekistan. Since 1990, it has been protected as a World Heritage Site.

The old town retains more than 50 historic monuments and 250 old houses, dating primarily from the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries. Djuma Mosque, for instance, was established in the tenth century and rebuilt from 1788 to 1789, although its celebrated hypostyle hall still retains 112 columns taken from ancient structures.

Source From: Wikipedia
Khiwa Tumani, Xorazm Viloyati, Uzbekistan, 220900

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