first class flights
Travel Ideas

Reasons Why You Should Fly First Class at Least Once

If you have ever flown on a plane coach you know how painful it can be. Your legs cramp, there isn’t enough space for anything, and it may feel a bit crowded. First class flights are usually reserved for those that can actually afford over $1,000 for a flight – not for those of us that need to play a fifth of that. Even if you can’t afford a first class flight now, it’s worth saving up extra cash to splurge at some point.

Not only do you get luxury seating, but some airliners are currently offering beds and private bathrooms on certain airlines! This goes above and beyond a thick comfortable chair. If you are taking an extremely long flight, a first class position is recommended. You can always rely on your communication skills to get you an upgrade, but don’t count on it. There’s only one rule: Never fly first class with Southwest.

Gourmet meals are beneficial for those long non-stop flights. You could always bring food on the plane with you but who wants greasy burgers when you can order filet mignon on the plane?

There’s always a chance that you will get to meet someone famous. Isn’t that enticing? Sitting in first class groups you up amongst the elite, thus increasing your chances of meeting important people.

First class flights offer tons of special additional benefits. In addition to all of the luxury you get on your flight, you also get luxury before and after boarding the plane. This includes seating in a luxury area reserved just for first class flyers, as well as additional fringe benefits. Some airlines offer limo service to and from the airport at no additional cost – save for a tip.

Flying out of the country definitely deserves a comfortable flight with meals included. You won’t regret the extra luxury provided on flights such as Korean Air and other top notch airline services.

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