Mount Everest the ultimate challenge
Travel Ideas

Mount Everest, the ultimate challenge

think everybody of you heard about Mount Everest(or Chomolungma). If you want to know more about it, please read this post.

Mount Everest is a legend. World’s highest mountain with its 8848 meters. Imagine only to run, or to walk, almost 9 km. It means already an effort, and not many people will do this.

Climbing these almost 9 km is much worse! You need equipment, you need oxygen, you need intermediate camps and logistics. But a wider philosophical question emerges: why some people climb mountains? Maybe they seek the Gods. The legends about the Gods on Mount Everest are an explanation for the fact that no local conquered this mountain! New Zealand-born Sir Edmund Hillary was the first to realize it, together with a frightening local sherpa Tensing Norge.

Reinhold Meissner conquered Mt Everest without an oxygen mask.

Many other people did, but they don’t want publicity. Conquering Everest is before all a fight against your limits. I saw and heard about blinds climbing Everest, about people with amputated legs who conquered Everest, a sherpa who did it 17 times, etc. It is really wonderful indeed: if you conquered Everest, no other task anymore will be impossible.

I wonder now, why I and you did not conquer Everest!

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