How to have sex in a hostel?
Travel Ideas

How to have sex in a hostel?

You are gone away from home since a long time. You started dreaming about sex, you know,it happens.

And now you live in an overcrowded hostel, are in the middle of a party, drunk something and found a partner which is also in the mood for sex. What comes next is easy to guess, but there are some other questions to be answered: where.

First of all, stay cool and do not forget the condoms, they must be somewhere, dammit! For finding an appropriate place, try the following:

  • -in any hostel are some secret places, but you may not ask the crew about them, unless your partner is one of the house.
  • go away from the hostel, maybe you can find a park, a beach or a bunch of trees not very far
  • check the laundry room
  • check the bathroom and the shower
  • check the kitchen
  • go simply in one of the dorms, do not think about the others, and do it under the blanket(last solution). Take care to bed, not to scratch or even worse,to crack! It happened to me in Italy, and I was alone, honestly!

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