The basics About Chiang Mai
Travel Ideas

The basics About Chiang Mai

If you are in Thailand, after the capital Bangkok, you can also visit Chiang Mai The Mountains of Thailand. If you are really interested to find out more about Chiang Mai, you couldn’t be better.

Chiang Mai is the most significant and largest city in northern Thailand. It lies 700 km north of Bangkok, in the highest mountains of the country, on the Ping River.

Supposing you are an ex-pat wishing to live in Thailand, tell me sincerely what could be your choice between Bangkok(20 million inhabitants, pollutionhigh prices) and Chiang Mai(170000 inhabitants, mountains, clean air, low prices)? You find many ex-pats in Chiang Mai, and you can find also many former inhabitants of Bangkok.

Chiang Mai is first of all a shopping paradise. You can find here decorationsorchids gardens with purchase possibilities, very nice and very cheap silver jews(maybe the best investigation to do here), paper umbrellashand tissues, little statuesceramics, etc. The sellers are prepared to bargain! You must be prepared for that, acting within the limits of common sense and smiling. Remember to ask for shopping:

  • Night Bazaar
  • Sunday Market opened from 14 to 22 a.m.

Also remarkable in Chiang Mai: the staying prices are very low, you can find cheap luxury. Also, you can eat very lot, tasty and cheap. You can even learn to cook that, as I did, and my family is very enthusiastic about it. But during my one-week classes, I should eat daily only what I cooked myself, and I was fast to starve.

The basics About Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is also very well known for its intense cultural life. You can find here 300 Buddhist temples, the oldest of them from the XIIIth century. There are here plenty of festivals, e.g. the flower festival in February.

If you want to go out and dinner in a restaurant, you must be aware of the local habits and etiquette: you must smile, but also you must be decent, clean, and tidily dressed up. Otherwise, you will get only a bad place in that restaurant.

So, dear friends, go to Chiang Mai, I think it worths it!

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