The amazing secrets of Sagrada Familia
Travel Ideas

The amazing secrets of Sagrada Familia

If you plan a visit in Barcelona, Sagrada Familia shall be the first on things which must be seen!

Sagrada Familia is a church, “the church of the poor”, as Antonio Gaudi, its architect, used to say. Antonio Gaudi was a genial, brilliant ,succesfull architect, which dedicated his life mainly to Sagrada Familia. He joined the group of Modernista, active by the end of 19th century, was a fervent catholic and a catalan nationalist.

First design of Sagrada Familia and the first stones falled in 1883. Two years later, Gaudi had the genial idea of making the bell towers round, instead of square, as usually! In 1923 the Saint Joseph chapel, the crypt and the east facing were completed. In 1926 Gaudi died smashed by a tram near his church.

Antonio Gaudi wished to make from Sagrada Familia “the last sanctuary of the Christendon“, and he did. This church is honored as the world’s 8th wonder, attracting 2 millions of tourist every year. Entrance fee is 6 euro, and these money are used for the construction, as no government or church is supporting it. The construction of the church was based from its beginning exclusive on donations.

After Gaudi’s death the construction has been continued up today, and will be finished in 2026, on the centennary of Gaudi‘s death. During spanish civil war the cathedral Sagrada Familia was partially destroyed by catalan anarchists, and then rebuild according master’s original drawings.

“My master is not in a hurry” said always Gaudi. Without modern CAD/CAM methods, the construction could last a few hundred years.

Gaudi is an example of dedication and strong believes, in my opinion. He lived almost monastic, and died poor. But Sagrada Familia remains for ever his creation, and it surely worths a visit. To be more specific, your visit.

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