Everyone’s guide to London
Travel Ideas

Everyone’s guide to London

London is huge, London is old but very dynamic. For 200 years (up to 1925) London has been the world’s biggest city and the capital of the British Empire, which was a huge mix of people and covered fast half of the planet.

London was founded by the Romans, under the name of Londinium. Today London counts 8 000 000 inhabitants, being the most populous city of the European Union, and the second in Europe after Moscow.

London is a megacity and remains one of the world’s most important cities. The London City with its Stock Exchange decides many destinies.

Lying on the Thames’s mouth, London port has been for centuries the world’s biggest. Heathrow airport, one of London’s five airports, is the world’s busiest. The opening of the 5th Terminal made it even bigger but did not solve all the problems.

Everyone’s guide to London

A city of superlatives, which is worth a shorter or longer stay. 300 nationalities are represented in London, speaking 300 languages. But the city is very tolerant, thus different from the rest of England and the U.S.A.

London hosted the two times already Olympic Games.

Everyone’s guide to London

London is one of the world’s most expensive cities, together with Tokyo and Moscow. But from London, you have the best possibilities to visit all the Great Britain by train, or by car, and even France and Paris, due to Eurotunnel.

Still not decided? Make up your mind and visit London!

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