health during travels
Travel Ideas

How to stay health during travels

We all wish to be health and fit during the travels. But sometimes it simply happens, and you are not healthy anymore.

First of all, you must strive to avoid this state:

-in many parts of the world it is not recommended to drink running water. As visitors, your imunitary system is not prepared for a battle like this! Drink mineral water or tea.

-inform yourselves about necessary vaccinations in the country you intend to visit

-in many countries ask about local plants teas which are recommended for fighting diseases(chamomilae, mint, echinacea, gingko biloba etc)

If you got sick nevertheless, consult a local physicist urgently! Otherwise, your travel is in danger, or even worse, your life could be in danger!

If you are in an remoted isolated place and you cannot get a doctor, ask some locals and hope that they are able to put a real diagnosis and an efficient cure. Otherwise, it is really bad! Search a doctor , pray and make your will!

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