How to have a perfect relaxation trip

How to have a perfect relaxation trip

I went in Barcelona, Mexico, Tanzania. I was tired, so tired, and sick of so many people gathered together for no reason. Someone recommended me Banff in the Canadian Rockies, and it was really the perfect choice. Really, now I am much better and prepared for new trips and adventures. If you want to discover […]

What do you think hearing Australia?

What do you think hearing Australia?

What do you think about hearing Australia? It is something very musical, very strange and exciting simultaneously. It’s a kind of magic, shortly. Aussies too are a little bit different. They are all very good swimmers, have no afraid of sharks, and some of them conquer the world (Russell Crow, Nicole Kidman, A.C.D.C. If you […]

Hotels and food in Sao Paolo

Hotels and food in Sao Paolo

told you something about Sao Paolo. Fascinating city indeed, despite its proportions. If you intend to visit it, as I am suggesting, you have many opportunities and possibilities. First of all, about gastronomy. You can eat very cheap on the streets, you will not be starving in Sao Paolo(ask also about churrascarias). I f you […]

The amazing secrets of Sagrada Familia

The amazing secrets of Sagrada Familia

If you plan a visit in Barcelona, Sagrada Familia shall be the first on things which must be seen! Sagrada Familia is a church, “the church of the poor”, as Antonio Gaudi, its architect, used to say. Antonio Gaudi was a genial, brilliant ,succesfull architect, which dedicated his life mainly to Sagrada Familia. He joined […]

10 things to avoid in Barcelona

10 things to avoid in Barcelona

If you plan to visit Barcelona, keep in mind the following dont’s. If you already visited Barcelona, maybe can you confirm all these things. And if you visited Barcelona, but were not aware of these things to avoid, keep them in mind for your next trip to Barca! 1.Dangerous places: avoid empty streets, and also […]

How to have an adventure trip in Mallorca

How to have an adventure trip in Mallorca

I think all of you know, or have heard about Mallorca, this spanish mediteranean island. It means beaches, parties, night life. But if you want to know how to have an adventure trip in Mallorca, then allow me to tell you something about visiting El Torrente de Pareis in Tramontana Mountains. This is a trip […]