7 Tips to Plan the Best Vacation of Your Life
Vacation planning can take up to two years, it can be tedious and difficult to choose hotels and car rental services, and it definitely takes a lot of patience. Planning is one of the most important aspects of travel! Without a solid plan you will end up lost, confused, and probably broke. When planning vacations you should always follow these 7 tips to help you plan the most epic vacation of your life!
1. Always plan ahead.
This is a given in any instance, but planning ahead saves money, time, and makes the trip that much better. While for many services you have to wait closer to the destination date to plan, buy plane tickets as soon as reservations are available. Book hotels for holiday travel far in advance to ensure your reservation is a solid YES, and always book reservations to popular restaurants if you think you will eat at an upscale restaurant.
2. Learn the language.
Most people can’t become fluent in Spanish, Chinese, or Italian within a year or two, but you can definitely learn easy phrases. These phrases will help you get by as well avoid scams from those trying to rip you off. Try purchase a translation manual to take along, and if you have an iPhone download one of the flash card translator apps!
3. Learn to like the local food.
If you don’t like the food that is available in your desired travel destination, then you probably shouldn’t go. If you can learn to like the local food your trip will be much more enjoyable, and you will have the experience of a lifetime!
4. Plan to bring extra money.
In most cases traveling isn’t all that expensive, but the fact is, it is extremely important to bring extra funds in case of emergency. Only bringing what you need can land you in a tight spot quickly if you run out of funds.
5. Dress like the locals.
Buy clothing and dress like locals. The worst thing to do while traveling is to look like a tourist! It makes you more likely to get nailed with a scam or put you in a dangerous situation. If you want to protect yourself, then blend in as much as possible.
6. Pack lightly.
When planning your vacation, only plan to bring what you absolutely need. Packing heavily means you have more stuff that can get lost or damaged during flights, train rides, or any type of travel where someone else will be handling your luggage.
7. prepared for longer.
Most importantly, expect delays and always be prepared for longer travel time than you expect.
Traveling is a cinch once you prepare ahead of time, and know what to expect. Do plenty of research and always read reviews on things you plan to do, where you plan to eat, and where you are going to stay.