jell-o, red, jelly

Food Travel: The weirdest food museums in the world

The world is the most amazing museum one could ever explore. Food, being a large part of one’s own unique culture, is diverse around the world; an excerpt from Lonely Planet’s Best in Travel 2013, this article features temples of modest yet bizarre dishes that will tickle even your most hidden tastebuds. Jell-O Gallery in […]

strangest buildings in the world

10 of the Strangest Buildings in the World

The strangeness of an architecture can contribute to its uniqueness. Whatever its odd features are make it amazing to our eyes. The strangest buildings in the world we know off are products of great imaginations and sometimes of obsession. The design approaches in making these buildings are often out of the box. They are truly […]

Barcelona Hostels

Barcelona Hostels

Stay Somewhere Different. Try Barcelona Hostels Barcelona is a great place to kick back and relax and enjoy yourself. And if you’re going to take the time to spend the money on a fabulous trip such as this, why would you want to get stressed out picking some fancy shmancy hotel? If you want to […]

Top 5 Sailing Destinations

Top 5 Sailing Destinations

If you love the waters and plan to go an adventure trip with your buddies, sailing is an activity which can provide the adrenalin rush and the calm when you enjoy the seascape. Pack your clothes. Check out the boats. And lets head to some of the best sailing destinations: Zanzibar Going to archipelago of […]

The fascinating island of Madagascar

The fascinating island of Madagascar

Madagascar is the world’s fourth big island. It is located in the Indian Ocean and has a surface a little bigger than France. Madagascar formed through splitting from Gondwana 160  millions year ago, and then splitting from India(80 millions years ago). Due to its isolation many species of plants and animals from Madagascar can only […]

Top 5 best destinations in Taipei

Top 5 best destinations in Taipei

In the earlier days of this city, the traffic was so bad and the quality of life was very poor for its citizens. The people demanded for change and in the 1980s, the city planners did an amazing job of rebuilding their city. During the next decade, Taipei had a major transformation with a rail […]

Attractions In Prague

Attractions In Prague

Nestled in the central Bohemia, there is nowhere for a good vacation like Prague. As the capital city of the Czech Republic, you know it is bound to be a center of bustling activity, and of amazing sights from one end to another. But it is the many attractions that draw the many tourists annually, […]

Top New York Restaurants

Top New York Restaurants

Planning a trip to the big apple? New York is home to some of the worlds finest restaurants. Although it would be impossible to make a list of the best restaurants in new York (since it would be about a dozen pages long!) here’s a short list of some of our favorites. Atelier The Ritz-Carlton, […]

Best beer destinations in Europe

Best beer destinations in Europe

The Oktoberfest in Munich is on going and the rest of the beer loving world from West to East celebrates and millions of liters of beer are consumed everywhere. For this article we limit our scope to the best beer destinations in Europe: Munich It is where Oktoberfest traces its roots and Munich is also […]